All functions |
Various modular functions |
quarter period K |
Laurent series for elliptic and related functions |
Weierstrass P and related functions |
matrix a on page 637 |
Converts basic periods to a primitive pair |
Coefficients of Laurent expansion of Weierstrass P function |
Solves mx+by=1 for x and y |
Fast, conceptually simple, iterative scheme for Weierstrass P functions |
Number theoretic functions |
Numerical verification of equations 16.28.1 to 16.28.5 |
Numerical checks of equations 18.10.9-11, page 650 |
Calculate e1, e2, e3 from the invariants |
Weierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic Functions |
Special cases of the Weierstrass elliptic function |
Dedekind's eta function |
Farey sequences |
Fundamental period parallelogram |
Calculates the invariants g2 and g3 |
Calculates half periods in terms of e |
Plots a lattice of periods on the complex plane |
Lattice of complex numbers |
Limit the magnitude of elements of a vector |
Massages numbers near the real line to be real |
Manipulate real or imaginary components of an object |
Moebius transformations |
Complex integration |
Are two vectors close to one another? |
Newton Raphson iteration to find roots of equations |
Nome in terms of m or k |
Does the Right Thing (tm) when calling and |
Parameters for Weierstrass's P function |
Wrappers for PARI functions |
Jacobi form of the elliptic functions |
Generalized square root |
Jacobi theta functions 1-4 |
Neville's form for the theta functions |
Derivative of theta1 |
Derivatives of theta functions |
Unimodular matrices |
Visualization of complex functions |