Computes Jacobi's four theta functions for complex \(z\) in terms of the parameter \(m\) or \(q\).

theta1  (z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
theta2  (z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
theta3  (z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
theta4  (z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
theta.00(z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
theta.01(z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
theta.10(z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
theta.11(z, ignore=NULL, m=NULL, q=NULL, give.n=FALSE, maxiter=30, miniter=3)
Theta (u, m, ...)
Theta1(u, m, ...)
H (u, m, ...)
H1(u, m, ...)



Complex argument of function


Dummy variable whose intention is to force the user to name the second argument either m or q


Does not seem to have a name. The variable is introduced in section 16.1, p569


The nome \(q\), defined in section 16.27, p576


Boolean with default FALSE meaning to return the function evaluation, and TRUE meaning to return a two element list, with first element the function evaluation, and second element the number of iterations used


Maximum number of iterations used. Note that the series generally converge very quickly


Minimum number of iterations to guard against premature exit if an addend is zero exactly


In functions that take it, extra arguments passed to theta1() et seq; notably, maxiter


Functions theta.00() et seq are just wrappers for theta1() et seq, following Whittaker and Watson's terminology on p487; the notation does not appear in Abramowitz and Stegun.

  • theta.11() = theta1()

  • theta.10() = theta2()

  • theta.00() = theta3()

  • theta.01() = theta4()


Returns a complex-valued object with the same attributes as either z, or (m or q), whichever wasn't recycled.


M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun 1965. Handbook of mathematical functions. New York: Dover


Robin K. S. Hankin

See also


m <- 0.5
derivative <- function(small){(theta1(small,m=m)-theta1(0,m=m))/small}
right.hand.side1 <- theta2(0,m=m)*theta3(0,m=m)*theta4(0,m=m)
right.hand.side2 <-

derivative(1e-5) - right.hand.side1   # should be zero
#> [1] -1.443168e-11
derivative(1e-5) - right.hand.side2   # should be zero
#> [1] -1.443168e-11