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All functions

Ops(<permutation>) cycle_power() cycle_power_single() cycle_sum() cycle_sum_single() word_equal() word_prod() word_prod_single() permprod() vps() ccps() helper() cycle_plus_integer_elementwise() conjugation()
Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for permutations
allperms() allcycn() allcyc() allpermslike() some_perms_shape() all_cyclic_shuffles() all_perms_shape()
All permutations with given characteristics
Coerce a permutation to a function
c(<word>) c(<cycle>) rep(<permutation>)
Concatenation of permutations
Apply functions to elements of a cycle
Cayley tables for permutation groups
Group-theoretic commutator: the dot object
are_conjugate() are_conjugate_single()
Are two permutations conjugate?
vec2cyclist_single() vec2cyclist_single_cpp() remove_length_one() cyclist2word_single() nicify_cyclist()
details of cyclists
Tests for a permutation being a derangement
dodecahedron dodecahedron_face dodecahedron_edge full_dodecahedron_face full_dodecahedron_edge
The dodecahedron group
faro() faro_gen()
Faro shuffles
standard() standard_cyclist() fbin_single() fbin() fbin_inv()
The fundamental bijection
fixed(<word>) fixed(<cycle>)
Fixed elements
get1() get_cyc()
Retrieve particular cycles or components of cycles is.id_single_cycle()
The identity permutation
inverse() inverse_word_single() inverse_cyclist_single()
Inverse of a permutation
Keep or discard some cycles of a permutation
length(<word>) `length<-`(<permutation>) names(<word>) `names<-`(<word>)
Various vector-like utilities for permutation objects.
megaminx megaminx_colours superflip W Pu DY DB R DG LG O LB LY Pi Gy
Plotting routine for megaminx sequences
nullcycle nullword
Null permutations
orbit_single() orbit()
Orbits of integers
outer outer.cycle outer.word outer.permutation outer,permutation,permutation-method
Outer product of vectors of permutations
perm_matrix() is.perm_matrix() pm_to_perm()
Permutation matrices
The order of a permutation
word() permutation() is.permutation() cycle() is.word() is.cycle() as.word() as.cycle() cycle2word() char2cycle() cyc_len() shift_cycle() as.matrix(<word>)
Functions to create and coerce word objects and cycle objects
permutations-package permutations
The Symmetric Group: Permutations of a Finite Set
print(<cycle>) print(<word>) as.character_cyclist()
Print methods for permutation objects
rperm() rcyc() r1cyc() rgs1() rgivenshape()
Random permutations
sgn() is.even() is.odd()
Sign of a permutation
shape() shape_cyclist() padshape() shapepart() shapepart_cyclist()
Shape of a permutation
size() addcols() `size<-`(<word>) `size<-`(<cycle>)
Gets or sets the size of a permutation
stabilizes() stabilizer()
Stabilizer of a permutation
tidy() trim()
Utilities to neaten permutation objects
singleword_valid() cyclist_valid()
Functions to validate permutations