Low-level helper functions.
Function consolidate()
takes a spray object, and
combines any rows that are identical up to a permutation, respecting
the sign of the permutation
Function kill_trivial_rows()
takes a spray object and
deletes any rows with a repeated entry (which have \(k\)-forms
identically zero)
Function include_perms()
replaces each row of a
object with all its permutations, respecting the sign
of the permutation
Function ktensor_to_kform()
coerces a \(k\)-form
to a \(k\)-tensor
The functions documented here all return a spray
(S <- spray(matrix(c(1,1,2,2,1,3,3,1,3,5),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE),1:5))
#> val
#> 3 5 = 5
#> 3 1 = 4
#> 1 3 = 3
#> 2 2 = 2
#> 1 1 = 1
kill_trivial_rows(S) # (rows 1 and 3 killed, repeated entries)
#> val
#> 1 3 = 3
#> 3 1 = 4
#> 3 5 = 5
consolidate(S) # (merges rows 2 and 4)
#> val
#> 1 1 = 1
#> 2 2 = 2
#> 1 3 = -1
#> 3 5 = 5
include_perms(S) # returns a spray object, not alternating tensor.
#> val
#> 5 3 = -5
#> 3 5 = 5
#> 3 1 = 1
#> 1 3 = -1