• edge-cases for vector_cross_product(), now works with a single 2D vector
  • removal of dependence on emulator [in favour of quadform]
  • spray functionality imported, dependency removed
  • consistentification of vignettes
  • arXiv preprint cited
  • minor documentation improvements
  • consistentification of the zero object
  • spray package now imported rather than attached
  • coverage increased
  • three-dimensional vector cross product redefined and discussed in vignette vector_cross_product()
  • consistentification of the stokes vignette
  • Improvements to summary print methods
  • citation points to arXiv preprint
  • tweaks to vignettes
  • remove overlooked dependence on pracma
  • New function 0tensor()
  • bugfix
  • more vignettes
  • Can use ^ in place of %^%
  • tighter integration with the spray and disordR packages
  • comparison operators != and == with numeric implemented
  • is.zero(0) now true [no need to drop()!]
  • as.one() added
  • dependency on magrittr removed; %>% is now |>