Returns a rank vector suitable for interpretation with race()
Uses a simple recursive system to generate the ranks.
Returns a character vector with entries corresponding to the competitor. The first element is the winner, the second the runner-up, and so on, until the final element is the last to cross the finishing line.
o <- c(a=0.4, b=0.3, c=0.2, d=0.1)
#> [1] "c" "d" "a" "b"
#> log((a + b + c + d)^-1 * (a + c + d)^-1 * (a + d)^-1 * b * c * d)
as.ranktable(t(replicate(10, rrace(o)))) # same as rrank(10,o)
#> A ranktable:
#> c1 c2 c3 c4
#> [1,] a c d b
#> [2,] d b a c
#> [3,] c b a d
#> [4,] b a c d
#> [5,] a c d b
#> [6,] a d c b
#> [7,] a b c d
#> [8,] b c a d
#> [9,] a b c d
#> [10,] a d b c