To cite the hyper2
package in publications, please use
Hankin (2017).
The powers of a hyper2
object generally sum to zero.
This is implicit in Bradley-Terry type likelihood functions in which
probabilities are generally ratios of linear combinations of strengths.
Here I discuss this observation in the context of hyper2
package idiom. Usually, powers not summing to zero is an indication of a
programming bug. For example, consider the following likelihood
function, drawn from the chess
For a time, one package documentation file contained the following
idiom purporting to create the chess
likelihood function:
chess <- hyper2()
chess["Topalov"] <- 30
chess["Anand" ] <- 36
chess["Karpov" ] <- 22
chess[c("Topalov","Anand" )] <- 35 # bug! should be -35
chess[c("Anand","Karpov" )] <- 35 # bug! should be -35
chess[c("Karpov","Topalov")] <- 18 # bug! should be -18
However, the above commands include an error [the sign of the denominator is incorrect]. The package includes two mechanisms to detect this type of error. Firstly, the print method (by default) detects such unbalanced likelihood functions and gives a warning:
## Warning in print.hyper2(x): powers have nonzero sum
## log(Anand^36 * (Anand + Karpov)^35 * (Anand + Topalov)^35 * Karpov^22 *
## (Karpov + Topalov)^18 * Topalov^30)
and secondly, function loglik()
traps nonzero power
## Error in loglik_single(p, H, log = log): sum(powers(H)) == 0 is not TRUE
The correct idiom would be
chess[c("Topalov","Anand" )] <- -35
chess[c("Anand","Karpov" )] <- -35
chess[c("Karpov","Topalov")] <- -18
## log(Anand^36 * (Anand + Karpov)^-35 * (Anand + Topalov)^-35 * Karpov^22
## * (Karpov + Topalov)^-18 * Topalov^30)
## [1] -60.99695
See how the print method gives immediate assurance that its argument
is indeed balanced (and besides, unbalanced likelihood functions cannot
even be evaluated with loglik()
). It is natural to suggest
including a check in the creation method—hyper2()
would prevent the creation of a hyper2 object with unbalanced powers.
However, this approach is not consistent with the package; consider the
following situation. Suppose we wish to incorporate a new observation
into chess
, specifically that Anand played Karpov once,
with Anand winning. We might proceed as follows:
## Warning in print.hyper2(x): powers have nonzero sum
## log(Anand^37 * (Anand + Karpov)^-35 * (Anand + Topalov)^-35 * Anand,
## Karpov^-2 * Karpov^22 * (Karpov + Topalov)^-18 * Topalov^30)
However, after the increment, but before the decrement,
has a nonzero power sum, pending addition of another
term. At this point, chess
is unbalanced; its nonzero power
sum is an indicator that it is a temporary object. That’s OK as long as
we remember to add the denominator (as carried out in the next line)
which would mean dividing by (Anand+Karpov)^2
, thereby
restoring the zero power sum. If we forget to do this, the print method
gives us a warning, and indeed loglik()
returns an error,
which should prompt us to check the coding.
The hyper2
print method is sensitive to option
(the default), a warning is issued if the powers have nonzero sum. This
is usually appropriate. If the option is FALSE
, the warning
is suppressed. Note that the intermediate likelihood functions in the
example are not printed (or indeed evaluated), so
unbalanced likelihood functions are permitted, but only ephemerally.
Sometimes it is convenient to accommodate the numerator terms all
together and enforce the zero power sum at the end. This is accomplished
by balance()
## log(a^5 * (a + b + c)^-16 * b^2 * c^9)