To cite the hyper2
package in publications, please use
Hankin (2017); to cite hyper3
functionality, use Hankin (2024).
The hyper2
package provides functionality to work with
extensions of the Bradley-Terry probability model such as Plackett-Luce
likelihood including team strengths and reified entities (monsters). The
package allows one to use relatively natural R idiom to manipulate such
likelihood functions. Here, I present a generalization of
in which multiple entities are constrained to have
identical Bradley-Terry strengths. A new S3
, along with associated methods, is motivated and
introduced. Three datasets are analysed, each analysis furnishing new
insight, and each highlighting different capabilities of the
The hyper2
package Hankin (2017) furnishes computational
support for generalized Plackett-Luce (Plackett 1975) likelihood functions.
The preferred interpretation is a race (as in track and field
athletics): given six competitors
we ascribe to them nonnegative strengths
the probability that
It is conventional to normalise so that the total strength is unity, and
to identify a competitor with his strength. Given an order statistic,
, the Plackett-Luce likelihood
function would be
Mollica and Tardella (2014) call this a forward ranking process on the grounds that the best (preferred; fastest; chosen) entities are identified in the same sequence as their rank.
Computational support for Bradley-Terry likelihood functions is
available in a range of languages. Hunter (2004), for example, presents results
[although he works with a nonlinear extension to
account for ties]; Allison and Christakis (1994) present related work for
ranking statistics in SAS
and Maystre (2022)
has released a python
package for Luce-type choice
However, the majority of software is written in the R computer
language ( Core Team
2023), which includes extensive functionality for working
with such likelihood functions: Turner et al. (2020) discuss several implementations
from a computational perspective. The BradleyTerry
(Firth 2005)
considers pairwise comparisons using glm
but cannot deal
with ties or player-specific predictors; the BradleyTerry2
package (Turner and
Firth 2012) implements a flexible user interface and wider
range of models to be fitted to pairwise comparison datasets,
specifically simple random effects. The PlackettLuce
package (Turner et al.
2020) generalizes this to likelihood functions of the form of
the Plackett-Luce equation above, and applies the Poisson transformation
of Baker (1994) to express the problem as a
log-linear model. The hyper2
package, in contrast, gives a
consistent language interface to create and manipulate likelihood
functions over the simplex
. A further
extension in the package generalizes this likelihood function to
functions of
is a set of observations and
a subset of
are integers which may be positive or negative and we usually require
The hyper2
package has the ability to evaluate such
likelihood functions at any point in
thereby admitting a wide range of non-standard nulls such as order
statistics on the
2017). It becomes possible to analyse a wider range of
likelihood functions than standard Plackett-Luce (Turner et al.
2020). For example, results involving incomplete order
statistics or teams are tractable. Further, the introduction of reified
entities (monsters) allows one to consider draws (Hankin 2010),
noncompetitive tactics such as collusion (Hankin 2020), and the phenomenon of
team cohesion wherein the team becomes stronger than the sum of its
parts (Hankin
2010). Recent versions of the package include experimental
functionality cheering()
to investigate the relaxing of the
assumption of conditional independence of the forward-ranking
Here I present a different generalization. Consider a race in which there are six runners 1-6 but we happen to know that three of the runners (1,2,3) are clones of strength , two of the runners (4,5) have strength , and the final runner (6) is of strength . We normalise so . The runners race and the finishing order is:
Thus the winner was , second place for , third for , and so on. Alternatively we might say that came first, fourth, and fifth; came third and sixth, and came second. The Plackett-Luce likelihood function for would be
$$\begin{equation}\label{plackettluce} \frac{p_a}{3p_a+2p_b+p_c}\cdot \frac{p_c}{2p_a+2p_b+p_c}\cdot \frac{p_b}{2p_a+2p_b }\cdot \frac{p_a}{2p_a+ p_b }\cdot \frac{p_a}{ p_a+ p_b\vphantom{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x_{x}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} }\cdot \frac{p_b}{ p_b },\qquad p_a+p_b+p_c=1\\ \mbox{generalized plackett-Luce likelihood} \end{equation}$$
Here I consider such generalized Plackett-Luce likelihood functions, and give an exact analysis of several simple cases. I then show how this class of likelihood functions may be applied to a range of inference problems involving order statistics. Illustrative examples, drawn from Formula 1 motor racing, and track-and-field athletics, are given.
Existing hyper2
formalism as described by Hankin (2017)
cannot represent the Plackett-Luce likelihood equation, because the
hyperdirichlet likelihood equation uses sets as the indexing elements,
and in this case we need multisets. The declarations
typedef map<string, long double> weightedplayervector;
typedef map<weightedplayervector, long double> hyper3;
show how the map
class of the Standard Template Library
is used with weightedplayervector
objects mapping strings
to long doubles (specifically, mapping player names to their
multiplicities), and objects of class hyper3
are maps from
a weightedplayervector
object to long doubles. One
advantage of this is efficiency: search, removal, and insertion
operations have logarithmic complexity. As an example, the following
pseudo code would create a log-likelihood function for
the first term in the Plackett-Luce likelihood equation above:
weightedplayervector n,d;
n["a"] = 1;
d["a"] = 3;
d["b"] = 2;
d["c"] = 1;
hyper3 L;
L[n] = 1;
L[d] = -1;
Above, we understand n
and d
to represent
numerator and denominator respectively. Object L
is an
object of class hyper3
; it may be evaluated at points in
probability space [that is, a vector [a,b,c]
of nonnegative
values with unit sum] using standard R idiom wrapping C++ back end.
The package includes an S3
class hyper3
this type of object; extraction and replacement methods use
discipline (Hankin 2022). Package idiom for
creating such objects uses named vectors:
## log( (a=1)^1 * (a=3, b=2, c=1)^-1)
Above, we see object LL
is a log-likelihood function of
the players’ strengths, which may be evaluated at specified points in
probability space. A typical use-case would be to assess
and we may evaluate these hypotheses using generic function
## [1] -4.634729
## [1] -1.15268
Thus we prefer over with about 3.5 units of support, satisfying the standard two units of support criterion (Edwards 1972), and we conclude that our observation [in this case, that one of the three clones of player beat the twins and the singleton ] furnishes strong support against in favour of .
The package includes many helper functions to work with order
statistics of this type. Function ordervec2supp3()
, for
example, can be used to generate a Plackett-Luce log-likelihood
(H <- ordervec2supp3(c("a", "c", "b", "a", "a", "b")))
## log( (a=1)^3 * (a=1, b=1)^-1 * (a=2, b=1)^-1 * (a=2, b=2)^-1 * (a=2,
## b=2, c=1)^-1 * (a=3, b=2, c=1)^-1 * (b=1)^1 * (c=1)^1)
(the package gives extensive documentation at
). We may find a maximum likelihood
estimate for the players’ strengths, using generic function
, dispatching to a specialist hyper3
(mH <- maxp(H))
## a b c
## 0.21324090 0.08724824 0.69951086
(function maxp()
uses standard optimization techniques
to locate the evaluate; it has access to first derivatives of the
log-likelihood and as such has rapid convergence, if its objective
function is reasonably smooth).
The package provides a number of statistical tests on likelihood
functions, modified from Hankin (2017) to work with
objects. For example, we may assess the hypothesis
that all three players are of equal strength [viz
## Constrained support maximization
## data: H
## null hypothesis: a = b = c
## null estimate:
## a b c
## 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333
## (argmax, constrained optimization)
## Support for null: -6.579251 + K
## alternative hypothesis: sum p_i=1
## alternative estimate:
## a b c
## 0.21324090 0.08724824 0.69951086
## (argmax, free optimization)
## Support for alternative: -5.73209 + K
## degrees of freedom: 2
## support difference = 0.8471613
## p-value: 0.42863
showing, perhaps unsurprisingly, that this small dataset is consistent with .
Arithmetic operations are implemented for hyper3
in much the same way as for hyper2
objects: independent
observations may be combined using the overloaded +
operator; an example is given below.
The original motivation for hyper3
was the analysis of
Formula 1 motor racing, and the package accordingly includes wrappers
for ordervec2supp()
such as ordertable2supp3()
and attemptstable2supp3()
which facilitate the analysis of
commonly encountered result formats. Package documentation for order
tables is given at ordertable.Rd
and an example is given
Here I consider some order statistics with nontrivial maximum likelihood Bradley-Terry strengths. The simplest nontrivial case would be three competitors with strengths and finishing order . The Plackett-Luce likelihood function would be
and in this case we know that so this is equal to . The score would be given by
and this will be zero at ; we also note that , manifestly strictly negative for : the root is a maximum.
maxp(ordervec2supp3(c("a", "b", "a")))
## a b
## 0.4142108 0.5857892
Above, we see close agreement with the theoretical value of . Observe that the maximum likelihood estimate for is strictly less than 0.5, even though the finishing order is symmetric. Using , we can show that , where is the maximum likelihood estimate for . Defining as the support [log-likelihood] we have
as a standard support function which has a maximum value of zero when evaluated at . For example, we can test the null that , the statement that the competitors have equal Bradley-Terry strengths:
## [1] -0.0290123
Thus the additional support gained in moving from to the evaluate of is 0.029, rather small [as might be expected given that we have only one rather uninformative observation, and also given that the maximum likelihood estimate () is quite close to the null of ]. Nevertheless we can follow [Edwards (1972)} and apply Wilks’s theorem for a value:
pchisq(-2 * S_delta, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
## [1] 0.8096458
The -value is about 0.81, exceeding 0.05; thus we have no strong evidence to reject the null of . The observation is informative, in the sense that we can find a credible interval for . With an -units of support criterion the analytical solution to is given by defining and solving , or , the two roots being the lower and upper limits of the credible interval; see the figure below.
a <- seq(from = 0, by = 0.005, to = 1)
S <- function(a){log(a * (1 - a) / ((1 + a) * (3 - 2 * sqrt(2))))}
plot(a, S(a), type = 'b',xlab=expression(p[a]),ylab="support")
abline(h = c(0, -2))
abline(v = c(0.02438102, 0.9524271), col = 'red')
abline(v = sqrt(2) - 1)
A support function for a>b>a
If we have two clones of and a singleton , then there are three possible rank statistics: (i), with probability ; (ii), , with , (iii), at . Likelihood functions for these order statistics are given in the figure below. It can be shown that the Fisher information for such observations is
which has a minimum of about
at at about
We can compare this with the Fisher information matrix
for the case of three distinct runners
evaluated at its minimum of
If we observe the complete order statistic,
if we observe just the winner,
and if we observe just the loser we have
A brief discussion is given at inst/fisher_inf_PL3.Rmd
f_aab <- function(a){a^2 / (1 + a)}
f_aba <- function(a){a * (1 - a) / (1 + a)}
f_baa <- function(a){(1 - a) / (1 + a)}
p <- function(f, ...){
a <- seq(from = 0, by = 0.005, to = 1)
points(a, f(a) / max(f(a)), ...)
plot(0:1, 0:1, xlab = expression(p[a]), ylab = "Likelihood", type = "n")
p(f_aab, type = "l", col = "black")
p(f_aba, type = "l", col = "red")
p(f_baa, type = "l", col = "blue")
abline(h = exp(-2), lty = 2)
Support functions for observations a>a>b, a>b>a and b>a>a. Horizontal dotted line represents two units of support
If we allow non-finishers—that is, a subset of competitors who are beaten by all the ranked competitors ((Turner et al. 2020) call this a top ranking), there is another nontrivial order statistic, viz [thus one of the two ’s won, one of the ’s came second, and one of each of and failed to finish]. Now
(see how the likelihood function is actually simpler than for the complete order statistic). The evaluate would be :
maxp(ordervec2supp3(c("a", "b"), nonfinishers=c("a", "b")))
## a b
## 0.5857892 0.4142108
The Fisher information for such observations has a minimum of at . An inference problem for a dataset including nonfinishers will be given below.
The ideas presented above can easily be extended to arbitrarily large
numbers of competitors, although the analytical expressions tend to be
intractable and numerical methods must be used. All results and datasets
presented here are maintained under version control and available at
. Given an order
statistic of the type considered above, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test
(Mann and Whitney 1947,
wilcoxon1945) assesses a null of identity of underlying
distributions (Ahmad
1996). Consider the chorioamnion dataset (Hollander, Wolfe, and
Chicken 2013), used in wilcox.test.Rd
x <- c(0.80, 0.83, 1.89, 1.04, 1.45, 1.38, 1.91, 1.64, 0.73, 1.46)
y <- c(1.15, 0.88, 0.90, 0.74, 1.21)
Here we see a measure of permeability of the human placenta at term
) and between 3 and 6 months’ gestational age
). The order statistic is straightforward to
## [1] "x" "y" "x" "x" "y" "y" "x" "y" "y" "x" "x" "x" "x" "x" "x"
Then object os
is converted to a hyper3
object, again with ordervec2supp3()
, which may be assessed
using the Method of Support:
Hxy <- ordervec2supp3(os)
## Constrained support maximization
## data: Hxy
## null hypothesis: x = y
## null estimate:
## x y
## 0.5 0.5
## (argmax, constrained optimization)
## Support for null: -27.89927 + K
## alternative hypothesis: sum p_i=1
## alternative estimate:
## x y
## 0.2401539 0.7598461
## (argmax, free optimization)
## Support for alternative: -26.48443 + K
## degrees of freedom: 1
## support difference = 1.414837
## p-value: 0.09253716
Above, we use generic function equalp.test()
to test the
null that the permeability of the two groups both have Bradley-Terry
strength of
We see a
value of about 0.09; compare 0.25 from wilcox.test()
However, observe that the hyper3
likelihood approach gives
more information than Wilcoxon’s analysis: Firstly, we see that the
maximum likelihood estimate for the Bradley-Terry strength of
is about 0.24, considerably less than the null of 0.5;
further, we may plot a support curve for this dataset, given in the
figure below.
a <- seq(from = 0.02, to = 0.8, len = 40)
L <- sapply(a, function(p){loglik(p, Hxy)})
plot(a, L - max(L), type = 'b',xlab=expression(p[a]),ylab="likelihood")
abline(h = c(0, -2))
abline(v = c(0.24))
abline(v=c(0.5), lty=2)
A support function for the Bradley-Terry strength of permeability at term. The evaluate of 0.24 is shown; and the two-units-of support credible interval, which does not exclude the null of strength 0.5 (dotted line), is also shown
The ideas presented above may be extended to more than two types of competitors. Consider the following table, drawn from the men’s javelin, 2020 Olympics:
## throw1 throw2 throw3 throw4 throw5 throw6
## Chopra 87.03 87.58 76.79 X X 84.24
## Vadlejch 83.98 X X 82.86 86.67 X
## Vesely 79.73 80.30 85.44 X 84.98 X
## Weber 85.30 77.90 78.00 83.10 85.15 75.72
## Nadeem 82.40 X 84.62 82.91 81.98 X
## Katkavets 82.49 81.03 83.71 79.24 X X
## Mardare 81.16 81.73 82.84 81.90 83.30 81.09
## Etelatalo 78.43 76.59 83.28 79.20 79.99 83.05
Thus Chopra threw 87.03m on his first throw, 87.58m on his second,
and so on. No-throws, ignored here, are indicated with an
. We may convert this to a named vector with elements
being the throw distances, and names being the competitors, using
javelin_vector <- attemptstable2supp3(javelin_table,
decreasing = TRUE, give.supp = FALSE)
options(width = 60)
## Chopra Chopra Vadlejch Vesely Weber Weber
## 87.58 87.03 86.67 85.44 85.30 85.15
## Vesely Nadeem Chopra Vadlejch Katkavets Mardare
## 84.98 84.62 84.24 83.98 83.71 83.30
## Etelatalo Weber Etelatalo Nadeem Vadlejch Mardare
## 83.28 83.10 83.05 82.91 82.86 82.84
## Katkavets Nadeem Nadeem Mardare Mardare Mardare
## 82.49 82.40 81.98 81.90 81.73 81.16
## Mardare Katkavets Vesely Etelatalo Vesely Katkavets
## 81.09 81.03 80.30 79.99 79.73 79.24
## Etelatalo Etelatalo Weber Weber Chopra Etelatalo
## 79.20 78.43 78.00 77.90 76.79 76.59
## Weber Vadlejch Nadeem Vadlejch Chopra Vesely
## 75.72 NA NA NA NA NA
## Chopra Katkavets Vadlejch Vesely Nadeem Katkavets
Above we see that Chopra threw the longest and second-longest throws
of 87.58m and 87.03 respectively; Vadlejch threw the third-longest throw
of 86.67m, and so on (NA
entries correspond to no-throws.)
The attempts table may be converted to a hyper3
again using function attemptstable2supp3()
but this time
passing give.supp=TRUE
javelin <- ordervec2supp3(v = names(javelin_vector)[!])
Above, object javelin
is a hyper3
likelihood function, so one has access to the standard likelihood-based
methods, such as finding and displaying the maximum likelihood estimate,
shown in the figure below.
(mj <- maxp(javelin))
## Chopra Etelatalo Katkavets Mardare Nadeem Vadlejch
## 0.0930 0.0482 0.0929 0.1173 0.1730 0.3206
## Vesely Weber
## 0.1140 0.0409
dotchart(mj, pch = 16,xlab="Estimated Bradley-Terry strength")
Maximum likelihood estimate for javelin throwers’ Bradley-Terry strengths
From this, we see that Vadlejch has the highest estimated
Bradley-Terry strength, but further analysis with
reveals that there is no strong evidence in
the dataset to reject the hypothesis of equal competitive strength
or that Vadlejch has a strength higher than the null value of
A particularly attractive feature of this analysis is that the Bradley-Terry strengths have direct operational significance: If two competitors, say Vadlejch and Vesely, were to throw a javelin, then we would estimate the probability that Vadlejch would throw further than Vesely at . Indeed, from a training or selection perspective we might follow Hankin (2017) and observe that log-contrasts (O’Hagan and Forster 2004) appear to have approximately Gaussian likelihood functions for observations of the type considered here. Profile log-likelihood curves for log-contrasts are easily produced by the package, below.
Profile likelihood for log-contrast as per the text. Null indicated with a dotted line, and two-units-of-support limit indicated with horizontal lines; thus the null is not rejected
We see that the credible range for includes zero and we have no strong evidence for these athletes having different (Bradley-Terry) strengths.
Formula 1 motor racing is an important and prestigious motor sport
(Codling 2017,
jenkins2010). In Formula 1 Grand Prix, the constructors’
championship takes place between manufacturers of racing cars
(compare the drivers’ championship, which is between drivers). In this
analysis, the constructor is the object of inference. Each constructor
typically fields two cars, each of which separately accumulates
ranking-based points at each venue. Here we use a generalized
Plackett-Luce model to assess the constructors’ performance. The
following table, included in the hyper2
package as a
dataset, shows rankings for the first 9 venues of the 2021 season:
constructor_2021_table[, 1:9]
## 1 Merc 1 2 1 1 7 12 2 2
## 2 Merc 3 Ret 3 3 Ret 15 4 3
## 3 RBRH 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
## 4 RBRH 5 11 4 5 4 18 3 4
## 5 Ferrari 6 4 6 4 2 4 11 6
## 6 Ferrari 8 5 11 7 DNSP 8 16 7
## 7 MM 4 3 5 6 3 5 5 5
## 8 MM 7 6 9 8 12 9 6 13
## 9 AR 13 9 7 9 9 6 8 9
## 10 AR Ret 10 8 17 13 Ret 14 14
## 11 ATH 9 7 10 10 6 3 7 10
## 12 ATH 17 12 15 Ret 16 7 13 Ret
## 13 AMM 10 8 13 11 5 2 9 8
## 14 AMM 15 15 14 13 8 Ret 10 12
## 15 WM 14 Ret 16 14 14 16 12 17
## 16 WM 18 Ret 18 16 15 17 18 Ret
## 17 ARRF 11 13 12 12 10 10 15 11
## 18 ARRF 12 14 Ret 15 11 11 17 15
## 19 HF 16 16 17 18 17 13 19 16
## 20 HF Ret 17 19 19 18 14 20 18
Above, we see that Mercedes (“Merc
”) came first and
third at Bahrain (BHR
); and came second and retired at
Emilia Romagna (EMI
); full details of the notation and
conventions are given in the package at constructor.Rd
. The
identity of the driver is viewed as inadmissible information and indeed
may change during a season. Alternatively, we may regard the driver and
the constructor as a joint entity, with the constructor’s ability to
attract and retain a skilled driver being part of the object of
inference. The associated generalized Plackett-Luce hyper3
object is easily constructed using package idiom, in this case
, and we may use this to assess the
Plackett-Luce strengths of the constructors:
const2020 <- ordertable2supp3(constructor_2020_table)
const2021 <- ordertable2supp3(constructor_2021_table)
## ARRF ATH Ferrari HF Merc MR R
## 0.04530 0.06807 0.06063 0.02623 0.37783 0.10026 0.09767
## 0.12072 0.08055 0.02273
## AMM AR ARRF ATH Ferrari HF Merc
## 0.05942 0.07543 0.06238 0.05611 0.16939 0.02023 0.19395
## 0.14126 0.18334 0.03848
Above, we see the strength of Mercedes falling from about 0.38 in 2020 to less than 0.20 in 2021 and it is natural to wonder whether this can be ascribed to random variation. Observe that testing such a hypothesis is complicated by the fact that constructors field multiple cars, and also that constructors come and go, with two 2020 teams dropping out between years and two joining. We may test this statistically by defining a combined likelihood function for both years, keeping track of the year:
Above, we use generic function psubs()
to change the
name of Mercedes from Merc
to Merc2020
respectively. Note the use of +
represent addition of log-likelihoods, corresponding to the assumption
of conditional independence of results. The null would be simply that
the strengths of Merc2020
and of Merc2021
identical. Package idiom would be to use generic function
options(digits = 4)
samep.test(H, c("Merc2020", "Merc2021"))
## Constrained support maximization
## data: H
## null hypothesis: Merc2020 = Merc2021
## null estimate:
## 0.04239 0.05413 0.04677 0.04374 0.07568 0.02323
## Merc2020 Merc2021 MM MR R RBRH
## 0.13903 0.13903 0.09016 0.07944 0.07475 0.10024
## 0.06235 0.02905
## (argmax, constrained optimization)
## Support for null: -1189 + K
## alternative hypothesis: sum p_i=1
## alternative estimate:
## 0.03766 0.04824 0.04333 0.04060 0.07036 0.02132
## Merc2020 Merc2021 MM MR R RBRH
## 0.23135 0.09216 0.07893 0.07973 0.07455 0.09322
## 0.06177 0.02679
## (argmax, free optimization)
## Support for alternative: -1184 + K
## degrees of freedom: 1
## support difference = 4.722
## p-value: 0.002119
Above, we see strong evidence for a real decrease in the strength of the Mercedes team from 2020 to 2021, with .
Plackett-Luce likelihood functions for rank datasets have been
generalized to impose identity of Bradley-Terry strengths for certain
groups; the preferred interpretation is a running race in which the
competitors are split into equivalence classes of clones. Implementing
this in R
is accomplished via a C++
making use of the STL
“map” class which offers efficiency
advantages, especially for large objects.
New likelihood functions for simple cases with three or four competitors were presented, and extending to larger numbers furnishes a generalization of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test that offers a specific alternative (Bradley-Terry strength) with a clear operational definition. Further generalizations allow the analysis of more than two groups, here applied to Olympic javelin throw distances. Generalized Plackett-Luce likelihood functions were used to assess the Grand Prix constructors’ championship and a reasonable null. Specifically, the hypothesis that the strength of the Mercedes team remained unchanged between 2020 and 2021 was tested and rejected.
Draws are not considered in the present work but in principle may be accommodated, either using likelihoods comprising sums of Plackett-Luce probabilities (Hankin 2017); or the introduction of a reified draw entity (Hankin 2010).
Further work might include a systematic comparison between
approach and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test,
including the characterisation of the power function of both tests. The
package could easily be extended to allow non-integer multiplicities,
which might prove useful in the context of reified Bradley Terry
techniques (Hankin
Package: Likelihood Functions for
Generalized Bradley-Terry Models.”
The R Journal 9 (2): 429–39.