Functions to convert matrix observations to likelihood functions. Each row is an observation of some kind, and each column a player.

Function ordertable2supp() is documented separately at ordertable2supp.




A matrix of observations


Two functions are documented here:

  • saffy(), which converts a matrix of restricted choices into a likelihood function; it is named for Saffron O'Neill. The canonical example would be Saffron's climate change dataset, documented at icons. Function saffy() returns the appropriate likelihood function for the dataset.

  • volley(), which converts a matrix of winning and losing team members to a likelihood function. The canonical example is the volleyball dataset. Each row is a volleyball game; each column is a player. An entry of 0 means “on the losing side”, an entry of 1 means “on the winning side”, and an entry of NA means “did not play”.


Robin K. S. Hankin

See also


icons == saffy(icons_table)  # should be TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

volley(volleyball_table) == volleyball # also should be TRUE
#> [1] TRUE