The Dirichlet distribution in likelihood (for p) form, including the generalized Dirichlet distribution due to Connor and Mosimann

dirichlet(powers, alpha)
dirichlet3(powers, lambda=NULL)
GD(alpha, beta, beta0=0)
GD_wong(alpha, beta)



In function dirichlet() a (named) vector of powers


A vector of parameters for the Dirichlet or generalized Dirichlet distribution


In function GD(), an arbitrary parameter


Object of class hyper2


Vector of weights in dirichlet3()


Number of observations


These functions are really convenience functions.

Function rdirichlet() returns random samples drawn from a Dirichlet distribution using the gamma distribution. If second argument H is a hyper2 object, it is tested [with is.dirichlet()] for being a Dirichlet distribution. If so, samples from it are returned. If not, (e.g. icons), an error is given. If H is not a hyper2 object, it is interpreted as a (possibly named) vector of parameters \(\alpha\) [not a vector of powers].

Function rp_unif() returns uniformly distributed vectors, effectively using H*0; but note that this uses Dirichlet sampling which is much faster and better than the Metropolis-Hastings functionality documented at rp.Rd.

Functions GD() and GD_wong() return a likelihood function corresponding to the Generalized Dirichlet distribution as presented by Connor and Mosimann, and Wong, respectively. In GD_wong(), alpha and beta must be named vectors; the names of alpha give the names of \(x_1,\ldots,x_k\) and the last element of beta gives the name of \(x_{k+1}\).

Function dirichlet3() returns a hyper3 object with weights lambda. If lambda is length less than that of powers, it is padded with 1s [so default NULL corresponds to unit weights, that is, a hyper2 object]. A use-case is given in inst/rock_paper_scissors_monster.Rmd.


  • R. J. Connor and J. E. Mosimann 1969. “Concepts of independence for proportions with a generalization of the Dirichlet distribution”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 64:194–206

  • T.-T. Wong 1998. “Generalized Dirichlet distribution in Bayesian Analysis”. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 97:165–181


Robin K. S. Hankin


A dirichlet distribution can have a term with zero power. But this poses problems for hyper2 objects as zero power brackets are dropped.

Function dirichlet3() is a replacement for now removed function pair3().

Function rdirichlet() commits a very mild (but necessary in the absence of a working dismat package) violation of disordR discipline, as the columns of the returned matrix have the same order as pnames(H)

See also


x1 <- dirichlet(c(a=1,b=2,c=3))
x2 <- dirichlet(c(c=3,d=4))

#> log( a * (a + b + c)^-6 * b^2 * c^6 * (c + d)^-7 * d^4)

H <- dirichlet(c(a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4))
#>                a          b         c         d
#>  [1,] 0.01653885 0.32962037 0.2204260 0.4334148
#>  [2,] 0.34840871 0.11847266 0.3525040 0.1806146
#>  [3,] 0.35844373 0.12892938 0.1223021 0.3903248
#>  [4,] 0.17345705 0.14856605 0.2933627 0.3846142
#>  [5,] 0.28796978 0.18610197 0.2259234 0.3000049
#>  [6,] 0.08399798 0.15157662 0.1772073 0.5872181
#>  [7,] 0.03631235 0.46480777 0.1904721 0.3084078
#>  [8,] 0.15832040 0.03755438 0.5157921 0.2883331
#>  [9,] 0.15798996 0.26411078 0.4774408 0.1004585
#> [10,] 0.10441438 0.26695332 0.2901505 0.3384818
#>         a         b         c         d 
#> 0.1445195 0.2118687 0.2859401 0.3576717 

#> log( (chips=1)^2 * (chips=1, fish=1.8)^-5 * (fish=1.8)^3)
#> log( (x=1)^6 * (x=1, y=2, z=3)^-13 * (y=2)^5 * (z=3)^2)