These objects refer to results from football matches among four
Scottish clubs: Rangers, Celtic, Livinston, Falkirk. A detailed
analysis is presented in inst/home_advantage.Rmd
, which creates
the objects documented here from scratch.
Object RCLF3_table
is a table of results for the four
clubs: home wins, draws, and away wins.
for the maximum likelihood estimate for
Object RCLF3
is a hyper3
likelihood function for
the table of won games only [that is, excluding draws], using
for the value of \(\lambda\).
Object RCLF3_maxp
is its evaluate at the MLE for
The objects are created by inst/home_advantage.Rmd
Data obtained from www.worldfootball.net
#> $home_wins
#> @away
#> @home Rangers Celtic Falkirk Livingston
#> Rangers NA 81 69 15
#> Celtic 76 NA 61 15
#> Falkirk 17 17 NA 6
#> Livingston 2 2 3 NA
#> $away_wins
#> @away
#> @home Rangers Celtic Falkirk Livingston
#> Rangers NA 42 2 0
#> Celtic 46 NA 8 0
#> Falkirk 57 43 NA 8
#> Livingston 12 11 9 NA
#> $draws
#> @away
#> @home Rangers Celtic Falkirk Livingston
#> Rangers NA 44 14 2
#> Celtic 47 NA 10 3
#> Falkirk 12 19 NA 4
#> Livingston 4 4 4 NA
#> Celtic Falkirk Livingston Rangers
#> 0.41160418 0.07357108 0.04249528 0.47232945
#> [1] 1.773893
#> [1] -305.933
#> Constrained support maximization
#> data: RCLF3
#> null hypothesis: Celtic = Falkirk = Livingston = Rangers
#> null estimate:
#> Celtic Falkirk Livingston Rangers
#> 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
#> (argmax, constrained optimization)
#> Support for null: -405.5553 + K
#> alternative hypothesis: sum p_i=1
#> alternative estimate:
#> Celtic Falkirk Livingston Rangers
#> 0.41160418 0.07357108 0.04249528 0.47232945
#> (argmax, free optimization)
#> Support for alternative: -305.933 + K
#> degrees of freedom: 3
#> support difference = 99.62227
#> p-value: 6.143175e-43