Print methods for hyper2 and hyper3 objects

# S3 method for class 'hyper2'
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'hyper3'
print(x, ...)



An object of class hyper2 or hyper3


Further arguments, currently ignored


Returns the hyper2 or hyper3 object it was sent, invisibly.

Function pnv() (“print named vector”) takes a named vector and returns a character string that is used in the hyper3 print method. It is sensitive to base R print options such as digits and scipen. Currently there is no space around the “=” symbol but this is easy to change.


Used mainly for their side-effect of printing the log-likelihood function. In the print method, a natural logarithm is indicated with “log()”—not “ln()”—consistent with R builtin terminology base::log().

The hyper2 print method is sensitive to option give_warning_on_nonzero_power_sum. If TRUE, a warning is issued if the powers have nonzero sum. This is usually what you want because observations are typically multinomial; a warning indicates nonzero sum of powers, which should prompt us to check the coding. Vignette zeropower gives a discussion of this issue.


Robin K. S. Hankin


Sometimes the use of pnv() can be confusing, as distinct brackets can appear to be identical, as per the example. See how the two terms with power \(-1\) appear to be identical but actually differ by 1e-12, invisible to the print method which only shows seven significant figures.


#> log(Anand^36 * (Anand + Karpov)^-35 * (Anand + Topalov)^-35 * Karpov^22
#> * (Karpov + Topalov)^-18 * Topalov^30)

#> [1] 7
hyper3(list(c(a=1), c(a=1, b=pi),c(a=1, b=pi+1e-12)), powers = c(2, -1, -1))
#> log( (a=1)^2 * (a=1, b=3.141593)^-1 * (a=1, b=3.141593)^-1)