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Print methods for Clifford algebra


# S3 method for class 'clifford'
# S3 method for class 'clifford'



Object of class clifford in the print method


Further arguments, currently ignored


Integer vector representing a term


Robin K. S. Hankin


The print method does not change the internal representation of a clifford object, which is a two-element list, the first of which is a list of integer vectors representing terms, and the second is a numeric vector of coefficients. The print method has special dispensation for the zero clifford object.

The print method is sensitive to the value of options separate and basissep. If option separate is FALSE (the default), the method prints the basis blades in a compact form, as in “e_134”. The indices of the basis vectors are separated with the value of option basissep which is usually NULL; but if \(n>9\), then setting option basissep to a comma (“,”) might look good as it will print e_10,11,12 instead of e_101112:

options("basissep" = ",")

If option separate is TRUE, the method prints the basis vectors separately, as in e10 e11 e12:

options("separate" = TRUE)

Function catterm() is a low-level helper function, used in the print method, coercion to character, and also in function getcoeffs() to set the names of its output. It takes an integer vector like c(1,5,6) and returns a representation of the corresponding basis blade, in this case “e_156”. Function catterm() is where options basissep and separate are processed. Special dispensation is needed for length-zero vectors, for which the empty string is returned. This is needed to ensure that the constant term (which has a basis blade of numeric(0)) is treated appropriately. See also list_modifier() which deals with this issue.

See also


a <- rclifff(9)
a   # default print method incomprehensible
#> Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
#> + 6 - 8e_341215 + 2e_71315 + 6e_6791518 - 9e_258111213141720 +
#> 1e_25101214171820 - 2e_124510111920 - 6e_457811161920 - 3e_46891115161920 +
#> 7e_15610111415171920

options("separate" = TRUE)
a    # marginally better
#> Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
#> + 6 - 8e3 e4 e12 e15 + 2e7 e13 e15 + 6e6 e7 e9 e15 e18 - 9e2 e5 e8 e11 e12 e13
#> e14 e17 e20 + 1e2 e5 e10 e12 e14 e17 e18 e20 - 2e1 e2 e4 e5 e10 e11 e19 e20 -
#> 6e4 e5 e7 e8 e11 e16 e19 e20 - 3e4 e6 e8 e9 e11 e15 e16 e19 e20 + 7e1 e5 e6 e10
#> e11 e14 e15 e17 e19 e20

options("separate" = FALSE)
a    #  clearer; YMMV
#> Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
#> + 6 - 8e_3,4,12,15 + 2e_7,13,15 + 6e_6,7,9,15,18 - 9e_2,5,8,11,12,13,14,17,20 +
#> 1e_2,5,10,12,14,17,18,20 - 2e_1,2,4,5,10,11,19,20 - 6e_4,5,7,8,11,16,19,20 -
#> 3e_4,6,8,9,11,15,16,19,20 + 7e_1,5,6,10,11,14,15,17,19,20

options(basissep = NULL, maxdim=NULL)  # restore default