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Extract or replace subsets of cliffords.


# S3 method for class 'clifford'
C[index, ..., drop = FALSE]
# S3 method for class 'clifford'
C[index, ...] <- value
coeffs(x) <- value
getcoeffs(C, B)
# S3 method for class 'clifford'
# S3 method for class 'clifford'



A clifford object


elements to extract or replace


replacement value


A list of integer vectors, terms


Boolean: should constant clifford objects be coerced to numeric?


Further arguments


Extraction and replacement methods. The extraction method uses getcoeffs() and the replacement method uses low-level helper function c_overwrite().

In the extraction function a[index], if index is a list, further arguments are ignored; if not, the dots are used. If index is a list, its elements are interpreted as integer vectors indicating which terms to be extracted (even if it is a disord object). If index is a disord object, standard consistency rules are applied. The extraction methods are designed so that idiom such as a[coeffs(a)>3] works.

For replacement methods, the standard use-case is a[i] <- b in which argument i is a list of integer vectors and b a length-one numeric vector; (replacement vectors of length greater than one are currently not implemented, whether or not they violate disordR discipline). Otherwise, to manipulate parts of a clifford object, use coeffs(a) <- value; disord discipline is enforced. Idiom such as a[coeffs(a)<2] <- 0 is implemented experimentally, as syntactic sugar for coeffs(a)[coeffs(a)<2] <- 0. Replacement using a list-valued index, as in A[i] <- value uses an ugly hack if value is zero. Replacement methods are not yet finalised and not yet fully integrated with the disordR package.

Idiom such as a[] <- b follows the spray package. If b is a length-one scalar, then coeffs(a) <- b has the same effect as a[] <- b.

Functions terms() [see term.Rd] and coeffs() extract the terms and coefficients from a clifford object. These functions return disord objects but the ordering is consistent between them (an extended discussion of this phenomenon is presented in the mvp package). Note that coeffs() returns numeric(0) on the zero clifford object.

Function coeffs<-() (idiom coeffs(a) <- b) sets all coefficients of a to b. This has the same effect as a[] <- b.

Extracting or replacing a list with a repeated elements is usually a Bad Idea (tm). However, if option warn_on_repeats is set to FALSE, no warning will be given (and the coefficient will be the sum of the coefficients of the term; see the examples).

Function getcoeffs() is a lower-level helper function that lacks the succour offered by [.clifford(). It returns a named numeric vector [not a disord object: the order of the elements is determined by the order of argument B]. Compare standard extraction, eg a[index], which returns a clifford object. The names of the returned vector are determined by function catterm().

Attempting to extract a coefficient of a term that includes a negative index will throw an error. The coefficient of a term not present in the Clifford object (including term with an index larger than indicated by maxyterm()) will return zero.

The index for the constant is formally list(numeric(0)), but this is a pain to type. Square bracket extraction and getcoeffs() have special dispensation for zero entries, which are translated by helper function list_modifier() to numeric(0) and listified if necessary. The upshot is that x[0] and getcoeffs(x,0) work as expected, returning the constant.

Function Im() is a generic, which sets the real component of its argument to zero (as per the onion package). Function Re() is a convenience synonym for const().

Vignette getcoeffs gives a more extended discussion of function getcoeffs().


A <- clifford(list(1,1:2,1:3),1:3)
B <- clifford(list(1:2,1:6),c(44,45))

#> Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
#> + 1e_1

A[2:3, 4] <- 99
A[] <- B

X <- 5 + 6*e(1) -7*e(1:3) + 3*e(4:5)
X[0]           # special dispensation for zero
#> Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
#> scalar ( 5 )
X[0,drop=TRUE] # coerce to numeric
#> [1] 5
#> Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
#> + 5 - 7e_123

#> e_0 
#>   5 
#>   e_1   e_0 e_123 
#>     6     5    -7 

# clifford(list(1,1:2,1:2),1:3)  # would give a warning

options("warn_on_repeats" = FALSE)
clifford(list(1,1:2,1:2),1:3)  # works; 1e1 + 5e_12
#> Element of a Clifford algebra, equal to
#> + 1e_1 + 5e_12

options("warn_on_repeats" = TRUE) # return to default behaviour.