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Extract.3vel extract.3vel [.vel [<-.vel [.3vel [<-.3vel [.4vel [<-.4vel
Extract or replace parts of three-velocity
Ops.3vel Ops.4vel Ops.gyr Ops massage3 neg3 prod3 add3 dot3 equal3
Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 3vel objects
as.matrix.3vel as.matrix.4vel
Coerce 3-vectors and 4-vectors to a matrix
boost() rot() is.consistent.boost() is.consistent.boost.galilean() pureboost() orthog() pureboost.galilean() orthog.galilean()
Lorentz transformations
c.3vel c.3cel c.4vel
Combine vectors of three-velocities and four-velocities into a single vector
celerity threecel rapidity celerity.3vel celerity.4vel celerity.default celerity_ur rapidity.3vel rapidity.4vel rapidity.default rapidity_ur as.3cel cel_to_vel vel_to_cel is.3cel
Celerity and rapidity
comm_fail1() comm_fail2() ass_fail() my_seg()
Failure of commutativity and associativity using visual plots
coordnames() flob()
Coordinate names for relativity
Direction cosines
Ops.4mom 4mom fourmom as.4mom sum.4mom fourmomentum four-momentum 4momentum 4-momentum vel_to_4mom p_to_4mom as.4mom is.4mom fourmom_mult fourmom_add
Four momentum
as.4vel() is.consistent.4vel() inner4() to3()
Four velocities
galileo galilean Galileo Galilean classical newton Newton newtonian Newtonian
Classical mechanics; Newtonian approximation; infinite speed of light
speed speed.3vel speed.4vel speedsquared gam gam.3vel gam.3cel gam.4vel gam.default gamm1 gamm1.3vel gamm1.4vel gamm1.default gam_ur
Gamma correction
gyr() gyr.a() gyrfun()
Gyr function
lorentz-package lorentz Lorentz gyrogroup
The Lorentz Transform in Relativistic Physics
is.consistent.nullvec() as.photon()
print.3vel print.3cel print.4vel print.4mom
Print methods for three-velocities and four-velocities
r3vel() r4vel() rboost()
Random relativistic velocities
seq method for three velocities
perfectfluid() dust() photongas() transform_dd() transform_ud() transform_uu() raise() lower()
The energy-momentum tensor
sol() eta() ptm()
Speed of light and Minkowski metric
`3vel`() threevel() as.3vel() is.3vel() length(<vec>) names(<vec>) `names<-`(<vec>)
Three velocities