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Thank you for considering contributing to permutations!
Your interest in making this project better is appreciated.

Code of conduct

Please read and adhere to our Code of Conduct to maintain a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment.

Types of contributions

We welcome various forms of contributions:

  • Bug Reports: Feel free to report any bugs you encounter.
  • Documentation: Typos, clarity issues, or missing guides—-your help is welcome here.
  • Feature Discussions/Requests: Got an idea? Open an issue to discuss its potential.
  • Code Contributions: All code contributions are welcome, send me a pull request.
  • Use-cases: If you are using the permutations package, let me know! It’s always great to see applications of mathematical software.

Using co-authored-by in git commits

We encourage the use of co-authored commits for collaborative efforts. This helps in giving credit to all contributors for their work.

Co-authored-by: name <>
Co-authored-by: another-name <>


Your contributions make this project better for everyone. Thank you for participating!

Also don’t forget to recreate the readme file: {r eval=FALSE} devtools::build_readme()


Tests and checks are run on the CI, however locally one can use:

Rscript -e 'devtools::test()'


Ideally each change should be documented. Major changes should be vignettes.