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Comparison methods generally do not make sense for elements of an antiassociative algebra. The only exception is equality: x == y returns TRUE if aaa objects x and y are identical.

The test for equality follows the frab package: go through the keys of x, compare the corresponding values of y, and return FALSE when any difference is detected. This is faster than

Technically, x==0 makes sense but I thought consistency was more important: in the package, numeric values cannot be compared with aaa objects.

Functions aaa_compare_aaa() etc. are used in S4 dispatch; c_aaa_equal() is a low-level helper function that uses Rcpp to call the appropriate C routine.


signature(e1 = "aaa", e2 = "aaa")
signature(e1 = "aaa", e2 = "ANY")
signature(e1 = "aaa", e2 = "numeric")
signature(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "aaa")
signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "aaa")