Very Large Numbers in R
Very large numbers in R. Real numbers are held using their natural logarithms, plus a logical flag indicating sign. Functionality for complex numbers is also provided. The package includes a vignette that gives a step-by-step introduction to using S4 methods.
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Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
Real numbers are represented by two objects: a real, holding the
logarithm of their absolute values; and a logical, indicating the
sign. Multiplication and exponentiation are easy: the challenge is
addition. This is achieved using the (trivial) identity
where, WLOG, \(y<x\).
Complex numbers are stored as a pair of brob
s: objects of class
The package is a simple example of S4 methods.
However, it could be viewed as a cautionary tale: the underlying R concepts are easy yet the S4 implementation is long and difficult. I would not recommend using S4 methods for a package as simple as this; S3 methods would have been perfectly adequate. I would suggest that S4 methods should only be used when S3 methods are demonstrably inadequate.
Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <>
R. K. S. Hankin 2007. “Very Large Numbers in R: Introducing Package Brobdingnag”. R News, volume 7, number 3, pages 15-16
googol <- as.brob(10)^100
#> [1] +exp(230.26)
googol + googol/2
#> [1] +exp(230.66)
1/(googol + 1e99)
#> [1] +exp(-230.35)
#> [1] +exp(0) +exp(6.9315e+99) +exp(1.0986e+100) +exp(1.3863e+100)
#> [5] +exp(1.6094e+100) +exp(1.7918e+100) +exp(1.9459e+100) +exp(2.0794e+100)
#> [9] +exp(2.1972e+100) +exp(2.3026e+100)
googolplex <- 10^googol
#> [1] +exp(2.3026e+100)
googolplex * googol # practically the same as googolplex (!)
#> [1] +exp(2.3026e+100)